
As a development, manufacturing and marketing company within the life science industry committed to the betterment of patient outcomes we are committed to taking financial, social, and environmental responsibility. We take long-term financial, social, and environmental responsibility for how our business affects our stakeholders and the world we live in. Each year, we define several sustainability goals to improve these areas continuously. Our sustainability goals for 2021-2023 are as follows: 


Improve evaluation regarding sustainability of our critical suppliers

We aim to improve our evaluation regarding sustainability of our critical suppliers and taking responsibility throughout our entire supply chain by also including our critical suppliers in our sustainability evaluation.


Make investments that are beneficial for the environment

Reducing our environmental footprint is an important part of our business. We are committed to secure that sustainable investments corresponded to at least 5% of the agreed investment spending. This includes replacing old equipment with new and more sustainable technology such as heat exchangers, air compression, and lighting.


Increase response rate to 80% in our Employee Engagement Survey

Our employees are our greatest asset. Each year, we ask our employees to participate in an Employee Engagement Survey. This allows us to make good decisions based on their needs and wishes. We aim to have a response rate of at least 80% across the period.


Increase awareness and build a culture of sustainably

Our ambition is to become a more sustainable company but also to increase sustainability awareness among our employees. We plan to launch a campaign to provide tips and advice for our employees on how to make sustainable choices in their everyday lives.


Managing our solvent use

Another goal is managing our solvents efficiently to help reduce the amount of solvents we use. We will review our business’ solvent consumption and emissions – looking at where most solvents are used and why, and where the highest emissions are and consider ways of reducing solvent use and waste.