Board of directors

Born 1946. Chairman since 2016, board member since 2013.

Hans Henrik has been a lawyer and co-founder of the law firm Vinge, Executive Vice President of AB Leo, Helsingborg and CEO of Pharmacia EC in Brussels. From 1997 he activated his company Magle AB in parallel with activities at Lund University as professor (now emeritus) in law with a focus on European competition and intellectual property law.

Shareholding: 8 520 652 shares through Magle AB

Independent in relation to the company.

Born 1944. Board member since 2016.

Sven-Christer holds a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) from Lund University and has studied the Advanced General Management Program, INSEAD / CEDEP. Sven-Christer is a member of the Board of Directors of CEVA, Inc. (NASD: CEVA) since 2003. CEVA operates in the markets for signal processors, sensor networks and AI processors. He was CEO at Ericsson between 1998-99. Recent Board assignments include Assa Abloy AB (2001-2015), SprinNextel, Inc. (NYSE: S, 2008-2013) and the Swedish Defense Materiel Administration (Chairman 2010-2017).

Shareholding: 80 270 shares through Ripasso AB

Independent in relation to the company as well as to its major shareholders.

Born 1945. Board member since 2016.

Mats holds a Master of Business Administration and is a former authorized public accountant. After a career as a public accountant, his pharmaceutical career began in what later became the Pharmacia group in the mid-seventies. Mats has more than forty years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry and has been part of several management groups within Pharmacia and is responsible for several transformative M&As. Among other things, as a driving force and responsible for the spin-off and stock exchange introduction of Biovitrum (today SOBI), where he was also its first CEO. Later Board assignments include Lundbeck AS, (2003-2013, Chariman 2011-2013), Genmab AS (Chairman), Ablynx NV, 2007-2013 (sold to Sanofi), Moberg Pharma AB (Chairman 2010-2016).

Shareholding: 443 500 shares

Independent in relation to the company as well as to its major shareholders.

Shareholding: 36 603 shares.

Born 1973. Board member since 2016.

Malin Malmsjö is an internationally recognized expert in oculoplastic surgery, and is Professor and Senior Consultant in ophthalmology at Skåne University Hospital. Her research focuses on the development of novel non-invasive imaging techniques for tumor margin delineation and optimizing periorbital cancer surgery by monitoring blood perfusion. Malin is the Head of the Department of Ophthalmology, and she has authored 140 scientific publications and book chapters. Malin is also the inventor and patent holder of award winning medical devices for heart and vascular surgery.

Shareholding: 172 800 shares through BioLab in Lund AB

Independent in relation to the company as well as to its major shareholders.

Born 1961. Board member since 2024.

Stig holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration and Management from Aalborg University. Stig is a professional board member and investor. He has 25 years of management experience, mainly from H. Lundbeck A/S where he held a number of positions in Denmark and abroad.

Shareholding: 384 000.

Independent in relation to the company as well as to its major shareholders.